Sunday, July 27, 2008

EG and Smith Mountain Lake

Emily Grace has a new chair (she got it for her birthday). She's finally big enough and sturdy enough to sit in it without falling out or off. Baily is LOVING the snack trap in the chair. As you can see, she's preying on Emily Grace, waiting for the cheerios and gold fish to be abandoned. She's such a good dog/vaccum cleaner!

Big Girl!
She also likes sitting backwards- beats me why but she does it. Look at that face- is she her Daddy's girl or what?

Last week we visited Smith Mountain Lake- Here are the promised pictures!

"Mommy- what do you have there?"

Kimi & Dianna
HAHA- They had no idea Kimi jumped in that picture! It's cute anyway!


The Group at the lake! Peanut was exhausted and took a 2 hour nap on the boat! Mommy and Aunt Kimi might have drifted off as well....
Look at this view!
Chris cheesing


Jessie said...

If you lived anywhere near me EG's cheeks would be so sore from me pinching them. She is so cute!!

cobrien said...

Chris is a big dork!