Well we're in Charlotte, not HOME yet, but inside 60 days! The house is coming along very nicely and we're eagerly anticipating it's completion.
This year Emily Grace's school starts at 7:15- WHAT's THAT YOU SAY? Yes, we agree. E-A-R-L-Y.
And little miss sleeply-grumpy-bear is not a morning gal (like her mama...).
Anyway, the other morning as I was brushing her hair in the bathroom, she started counting in spanish. This is the girl who could count to 30 in Spanish before she was potty trained.
Here's what I heard:
"uno, dos, tres, taco, cinco, seis, seiete..."
Hold up. I speak zero espanol. Except that right there. I can say that. But other than that, I'm no Spanish expert, but I'm pretty sure 'taco' comes in soft or crunchy, beef or chicken. I believe it does not come after 'tres.' So I asked her to repeat it again because "I didn't hear what she said."
She obliged and said the same thing again... hee hee hee... groggy kids are so funny!
So I said "Emily Grace, I think it's 'quatro,' not 'taco'..." and she said with little/no emotion "Oh. I thought it sounded funny. heh.heh."
Poor baby needs more sleep!!!!
Now if we could just get the "huffalumps" (as Luke calls them) upstairs to STOP. STOMPING. AROUND. AT 10 PM, maybe my children could get the 11 hours we're trying to give them!!
Different story for a different day.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Urbans on the Move and EG has PIERCED EARS (wha what?)
Well we're moving. 7 days from today we will officially live in CHARLOTTE, NC. I can't believe it's here!
Lots has happened since I last posted. Emily Grace's LAST day of Kindergarten is tomorrow, June 11. They added 2 days onto the end of the year for snow days. But that's ok, she LOVES every minute of Kindergarten, her teachers, her school, her friends... and I'm crying over moving... again. We all know I'm a crier.
BUT- BIG BIG BIG BUT- We're so excited to be moving! This is a BIG opportunity for us!!! The biggest positive is it gets us MUCH closer to our families (and friends) in SC. It's been 9 years and we're finally going home (sorta). Plus the economy and career opportunities in Charlotte are just booming right now.
So just so I don't forget, Emily Grace is turning 6 in a few weeks and this BIG BRAVE GIRL got her ears pierced (it was actually on May 25, 3013)!!!! She was so good. Honestly, bad mommy. I didn't tell her what was coming. She knew that she was going in without earrings and coming out with them. She's seen me put mine in every day for the last 5 years, but it never occurred to her that someone was going to actually make holes in her sweet little earlobes. (she calls them ear bobes) But ladies, that is the WAY. TO. DO. IT. I know it's terrible not to be "honest" with your kids. But I wasn't dishonest! I just didn't mention that two total strangers were going to come at her with sharp ended guns and viciously pierce (literally) her innocence with "pink ice" studs. What? Trust me- the saying that the anticipation is much worse than the event is SO TRUE. And she had zero anticipation. I rest my case and mentally pat my own back.
Onto the event:
One of the ladies pierced just a second before the other and as I was standing across from EG simply trying not to let my face show the horror inside of my heart for allowing this to happen, she started to squeeze my hands. Then her eyes popped open like they do when they're getting shots and had no idea what was coming. She was so startled and it took a good 10 seconds for the tears, but they finally game. She yelled (and sort of stomped her foot) that two ladies pinched her on her ears. OMG. Are you crying with me? Every time I think of it, I start to tear up. I scooped her up and hugged her until the tears went away. She's still so little! I think the ladies felt so bad too because really, who would pinch such a sweet little angel? Thank heavens we did two at once! I don't think she would have let them do that a second time.
After all of the tears were gone, and there was a lollipop in hand, and we got her to get a good like in the mirror she looks up at me, BEAMING, with those big watery eyes and proudly states "Mommy.... I have bling!"
Lots has happened since I last posted. Emily Grace's LAST day of Kindergarten is tomorrow, June 11. They added 2 days onto the end of the year for snow days. But that's ok, she LOVES every minute of Kindergarten, her teachers, her school, her friends... and I'm crying over moving... again. We all know I'm a crier.
BUT- BIG BIG BIG BUT- We're so excited to be moving! This is a BIG opportunity for us!!! The biggest positive is it gets us MUCH closer to our families (and friends) in SC. It's been 9 years and we're finally going home (sorta). Plus the economy and career opportunities in Charlotte are just booming right now.
So just so I don't forget, Emily Grace is turning 6 in a few weeks and this BIG BRAVE GIRL got her ears pierced (it was actually on May 25, 3013)!!!! She was so good. Honestly, bad mommy. I didn't tell her what was coming. She knew that she was going in without earrings and coming out with them. She's seen me put mine in every day for the last 5 years, but it never occurred to her that someone was going to actually make holes in her sweet little earlobes. (she calls them ear bobes) But ladies, that is the WAY. TO. DO. IT. I know it's terrible not to be "honest" with your kids. But I wasn't dishonest! I just didn't mention that two total strangers were going to come at her with sharp ended guns and viciously pierce (literally) her innocence with "pink ice" studs. What? Trust me- the saying that the anticipation is much worse than the event is SO TRUE. And she had zero anticipation. I rest my case and mentally pat my own back.
Onto the event:
One of the ladies pierced just a second before the other and as I was standing across from EG simply trying not to let my face show the horror inside of my heart for allowing this to happen, she started to squeeze my hands. Then her eyes popped open like they do when they're getting shots and had no idea what was coming. She was so startled and it took a good 10 seconds for the tears, but they finally game. She yelled (and sort of stomped her foot) that two ladies pinched her on her ears. OMG. Are you crying with me? Every time I think of it, I start to tear up. I scooped her up and hugged her until the tears went away. She's still so little! I think the ladies felt so bad too because really, who would pinch such a sweet little angel? Thank heavens we did two at once! I don't think she would have let them do that a second time.
After all of the tears were gone, and there was a lollipop in hand, and we got her to get a good like in the mirror she looks up at me, BEAMING, with those big watery eyes and proudly states "Mommy.... I have bling!"
Monday, October 1, 2012
Yep. It's time. I'm not going to get into the sappy, teary mess that I've been over the last few weeks. Instead, I'm going to excite you with the details of HOW EXCITED Emily Grace (and the rest of us really) is about Kindergarten!!!!
We met her teacher last week and she's a doll! Actually- she goes to church with us and is a dear friend. SO that's a HUGE plus. But, Emily Grace still put her hands on her hips and said "what's your name again?" at open house.
We'll work on the graceful part of "GRACE" as she gets older.
So Sunday we went grocery shopping for all of the foods for her lunches. I made sure that she could open every container, bag, bottle, etc on her own so that she can spend more time nibbling.
I also didn't want a bag of chips to explode across the cafeteria as she opened it aggressively.
We packed a pretend lunch in her lunch box on Sunday because her half of the class doesn't go until Tuesday. And duh- we had to make sure everything fit perfectly.
I made an additional call to Pottery Barn for a Bento Box , in case we needed it. It will be here Aug 31. Sigh. At least it had free shipping.
We picked out her first day outfit.OH and we had first day pics taken with my sweet friend, Emily Elrod.
Then we got excited and picked out the outfits for the rest of the week.
(I still have to monogram 2 of them!)
We got out the closed-toe shoes that still fit and dusted them off. We arranged those with the new shoes so that there's never any closet digging in the mornings. We moved EG's car seat in Chris' car so that she's getting in and out of the car (on the days that he drops of and picks up) on the sidewalk side.
And I've already spoken to the office about her dentist appointment this week. Bad, timining on my part. I know. But I know exactly how to get it excused. I'm going to be a pro at this Kindergarten thing.
Oh and I annoyed the daycare one last time by triple checking that they would pick her up ON THEIR BUS after school.
My nails on the other hand, are suffering from the nerves that are hiding behind the excitement. I hope she has an amazing first day!!!!!!
We are so proud of our sweet Emily Grace!
We met her teacher last week and she's a doll! Actually- she goes to church with us and is a dear friend. SO that's a HUGE plus. But, Emily Grace still put her hands on her hips and said "what's your name again?" at open house.
We'll work on the graceful part of "GRACE" as she gets older.
So Sunday we went grocery shopping for all of the foods for her lunches. I made sure that she could open every container, bag, bottle, etc on her own so that she can spend more time nibbling.
I also didn't want a bag of chips to explode across the cafeteria as she opened it aggressively.
We packed a pretend lunch in her lunch box on Sunday because her half of the class doesn't go until Tuesday. And duh- we had to make sure everything fit perfectly.
I made an additional call to Pottery Barn for a Bento Box , in case we needed it. It will be here Aug 31. Sigh. At least it had free shipping.
We picked out her first day outfit.OH and we had first day pics taken with my sweet friend, Emily Elrod.
Then we got excited and picked out the outfits for the rest of the week.
(I still have to monogram 2 of them!)
We got out the closed-toe shoes that still fit and dusted them off. We arranged those with the new shoes so that there's never any closet digging in the mornings. We moved EG's car seat in Chris' car so that she's getting in and out of the car (on the days that he drops of and picks up) on the sidewalk side.
And I've already spoken to the office about her dentist appointment this week. Bad, timining on my part. I know. But I know exactly how to get it excused. I'm going to be a pro at this Kindergarten thing.
Oh and I annoyed the daycare one last time by triple checking that they would pick her up ON THEIR BUS after school.
My nails on the other hand, are suffering from the nerves that are hiding behind the excitement. I hope she has an amazing first day!!!!!!
We are so proud of our sweet Emily Grace!
Monday, August 27, 2012
It takes effort to get through life right now. Just this weekend, I ditched housework (like that was hard to do) to go to the park with the kids, along with Emily and baby Jack (who isn't such a baby any more!). It was a fun morning! And after that we went to Chic-fil-a for a very brief lunch and back to the house where the house work sat.. waiting for my arrival. And you know what? I'm NOT SORRY. Yes, Luke got an ear infection. But that's not from being outside. That's just him. I don't care- it was a fun day and I had to MAKE time to make it happen.
So I promised myself last week for the 9,458th time that I WAS going MAKE THE EFFORT to start jogging again. (My metabolism and the seams on my jeans are having a war right now with each other. One is trying to bust through the barriers while the other is trying to hold it all in!)
Plus, it's VERY important to me that both of our kids see their parents as active people. Chris has that nailed. He's an amazing role model. But for me, we are busy that I do not make exercise a priority. Side note- on the way to school this morning I saw some kids waiting for the bus on their very first day. ***And I was embarassed at my thoughts.*** How are this many kids so overweight? I don't mean that to be hurtful in any way. I know they're all extrodinary, WONDERFUL, amazing and beautiful children, but our society is not going to keep heart disease from creeping up on us at the age of 50 with the way we're going!
So, I'm pledging to start my 20 minute jogs again. I'm not going to commit to a number per week. I'm just going to try when I can. I'm going to make the effort. Life is not going to take over. I am.
Funny though; my friend Ashley and I were just talking because my last attempt went something like this:
Wake up an hour early because a 20 minute jog takes me that long!
Hit the snooze for 15 minutes.
So I promised myself last week for the 9,458th time that I WAS going MAKE THE EFFORT to start jogging again. (My metabolism and the seams on my jeans are having a war right now with each other. One is trying to bust through the barriers while the other is trying to hold it all in!)
Plus, it's VERY important to me that both of our kids see their parents as active people. Chris has that nailed. He's an amazing role model. But for me, we are busy that I do not make exercise a priority. Side note- on the way to school this morning I saw some kids waiting for the bus on their very first day. ***And I was embarassed at my thoughts.*** How are this many kids so overweight? I don't mean that to be hurtful in any way. I know they're all extrodinary, WONDERFUL, amazing and beautiful children, but our society is not going to keep heart disease from creeping up on us at the age of 50 with the way we're going!
So, I'm pledging to start my 20 minute jogs again. I'm not going to commit to a number per week. I'm just going to try when I can. I'm going to make the effort. Life is not going to take over. I am.
Funny though; my friend Ashley and I were just talking because my last attempt went something like this:
Wake up an hour early because a 20 minute jog takes me that long!
Hit the snooze for 15 minutes.
Fix my mangled hair so that the neighbors don't think someone escaped from the asylum.
Brush my teeth because-well- I don't want to increase my carbon footprint by breathing through my mouth.
Find my shoes.
Manage to get all the running gear on. (right, all three things)
Go back in the house for my wedding ring because it's part of me. And I'm that weird that way. I run in my ring and pearl earrings. What? Don't judge.
Go back again to drink some water because I don't want to get parched when I'm a mile from the house. And because I'm stalling.
Go back one more time because I need my iphone/headphones.
Then curse quietly to myself over the threshhold because opening the door that many times woke up the kids.
Argue with myself and say 'screw it' because I need to do this. Chris can deal with the kids for "20 minutes."
Feel guilty because they're in there crying and he's going to have a rotten morning by having to deal with that first thing. (love and guilt are interchangable, apparently)
Then I give up and go back inside and hope for the best tomorrow.
Sigh. I'm tired.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Today, as I've "struggled" over piddly things: what to buy, what not to buy so that I don't spend spend spend, where to eat lunch, what Emily Grace is going to wear for her first day of school, little things that bother me at daycare, big things that bother me at work, I've realized that my world is so so so perfect. None of that matters. None. Today, I stopped by my friend Ashley's desk, in the midst of the Friday afternoon do-nothings. I have lots to do at work AND at home, but I'm procrastinating and eagerly looking forward to one of the last do-nothing weekends we'll have in a while.
Ashley was reading her friend's blog. I don't know this family. And there are lots of them out there- families struggling to hold on to a loved one, families dealing with financial problems, families dealing with illness and death. I've sort of become numb to those families. Once upon a time, I got so caught up in their pain and suffering that I let it affect me too. So I went cold turkey. The result: I started worrying over the piddly things again. Why can't I just be thankful for what I have? And I am- I just let the harsh reminder of how amazingly blessed I am, slip sometimes.
This blog, this poor, innocent, sweet, STRONG, faithful family brings it all back to reality. I truly pray for, and hope for this family. And I'm so incredibly thankful for the people and things that I have AND the things that I do not have to struggle with. Thank you, Dear Father, for bringing me back to Earth.
The Matthews Monologues
Ashley was reading her friend's blog. I don't know this family. And there are lots of them out there- families struggling to hold on to a loved one, families dealing with financial problems, families dealing with illness and death. I've sort of become numb to those families. Once upon a time, I got so caught up in their pain and suffering that I let it affect me too. So I went cold turkey. The result: I started worrying over the piddly things again. Why can't I just be thankful for what I have? And I am- I just let the harsh reminder of how amazingly blessed I am, slip sometimes.
This blog, this poor, innocent, sweet, STRONG, faithful family brings it all back to reality. I truly pray for, and hope for this family. And I'm so incredibly thankful for the people and things that I have AND the things that I do not have to struggle with. Thank you, Dear Father, for bringing me back to Earth.
The Matthews Monologues
Friday, August 10, 2012
Kindergarten Jitters
Here is my conversation with Emily Grace from this morning:
EG: mommy. I can’t go to school. (I'm thinking she means preschool, TODAY.) The man doesn’t know where I live. He needs to know where I live.
Me: WHAT MAN!?!?
EG: The man. He needs my address.
Me: DID YOU GIVE IT TO HIM? WHO IS HE? EG (we don't call her EG, I just type EG to make it shorter), this is very important. What man asked where you live? Why can’t you go to school? Has someone talked to you?
EG: um. (looking confused) he doesn’t know where to take me.
ME: EG. Please focus. Nobody except mommy and daddy should be taking you anywhere. Start at the beginning and tell me why you can’t go to school and then tell me about the man.
EG: The man on the bus. He doesn’t know where I live. So I can’t go to school because he can’t bring me home.
She was talking about riding a school bus (which won't be an issue anyway). I can’t explain the relieved sigh that came out of my lungs… Add another gray hair to my head.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Disney World, Here we Come!
Well- that's a bit misleading. We're not traveling until Fall. But you can (really, you have to!) book your dining 180 days prior to the day you travel. So... to avoid letting any potential creeps onto our actual travel dates, Ill just say we're booking in the general vicinity of now but the booking process has me so excited!!!!!!!
5 days of outfits
+2 cute kids
1 mommy who has to get started NOW.
It'll take me that long to decide and conquer! I've found some really cute ideas to get me started:

Wouldn't this be cute with little khaki shorts and a red polo under the tee? (mental note, check weather.com)
And the little extras:
I HAVE to make these mouse ear clips! Click on the ears for the how-to. I thought I'd have to buy these! As crafty as I am, bow-savvy, I am not... But I think I can muster up the courage to attempt two little Minnie Mouse pig-tail clips!
And well duh, mommy needs a bag!

I'm sure I'll have more random posts over the summer about our Disney preparations and revelation...
PS- This is going to be my first project!
Disney Signature Books
5 days of outfits
+2 cute kids
1 mommy who has to get started NOW.
It'll take me that long to decide and conquer! I've found some really cute ideas to get me started:

Wouldn't this be cute with little khaki shorts and a red polo under the tee? (mental note, check weather.com)

And the little extras:
I HAVE to make these mouse ear clips! Click on the ears for the how-to. I thought I'd have to buy these! As crafty as I am, bow-savvy, I am not... But I think I can muster up the courage to attempt two little Minnie Mouse pig-tail clips!
And well duh, mommy needs a bag!

I'm sure I'll have more random posts over the summer about our Disney preparations and revelation...
PS- This is going to be my first project!
Disney Signature Books
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