Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Swaddle me this?

Emily Grace LOVED to be swaddled. She fought it a little at first but after a few tries, she wouldn't sleep without it. In fact, she slept through the night (8 hours!!) at 8 weeks. And I think most of that was due to the beloved swaddler.

So Little Luke HATES it. I keep trying. I had given up but after talking to a few moms after EGU's preschool the other day, I decided to give it another try.

Early this morning, 2:30-ish am to be exact, we woke up for yet another feeding for little man. I love our feedings but this every-three-hours-thing is for the birds! I love to hold him close and hear him gulp but I now realize how spoiled we were with EGU by not having to wake up all night. He'll be 6 weeks tomorrow and we are nowhere NEAR getting him to sleep through the night. Anyway, I tried swaddling him again. We woke up and both of his arms had come up out of the bottom pouch and under the wing/flaps that velcro him tight and were sort of free (at least up to the elbow). His paci was behind his back, digging into his skin of course, and he had wiggled down so much that his knees were bent in the pouch at the bottom and one of the swaddler wings was sort of wrapped across his HEAD (But still velcro'd tight)!

I won't swaddle him again tonight. That was just too scary. I know I'm doing it right- It's the same as what we did with EGU. I think he just fights it THAT much and wiggles like crazy until he semi-gets free.

Back to the drawing board and 3 am feedings...


Anne said...

I'm sorry. :( If it encourages you at all, Mac didn't sleep through the night until 12 weeks. And he got on such a roll that once he really started (the night I quit my job), he got into 12 hour nights and never looked back.

I heard about babies like EGU (ie, great sleepers) and wondered if we were doing something wrong! Maybe every baby is different, but I just know Luke and you will find a rhythm and get some rest soon.

Praying for you! You're doing great. xoxo

The Martin Family said...

We used The Miracle Blanket with Logan and Reed and it worked great! Wish we had known about it with Wade. Not sure which one you're using, or if a different one would make any difference. Good Luck!

Mandy said...

Bless your heart...Ella was a great sleeper like Emily Grace so I will probably be where you are in a couple weeks with Evan. How is life with 2?

We definitely need to get the girls together! I read your posts and some of the things you write about Emily Grace reminds me of Ella...must be a June 27th thing :)

Kim Reed said...

Its a boy thing...they just march to the beat of a different drum.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Gracie is still a horrible sleeper at 10 months! But for the first few months she was eating every TWO hours so I feel your pain Mere!!