Anyway, she went around the corner, into her nursery and within seconds either pulled the lamp down on her head or tried to use the lamp cord to stand up while leaning on her dresser and crashed head-first into the dresser. Either way, by the time we got around the corner she was flat on her back screaming and the lamp was on the floor. It took a second for that bump to form, but my-oh-my what a beauty! Poor kid- as a graduate of clutz-U, I know that hurts! A little hug and the comfort of a rocking chair and a binky (and a shot of baby tylenol) and she was as good as new.
Don't worry- I didn't go snapping pictures of her prize-winning bump while she was still upset. I gave it an hour or so. But we have now survived our first real goose egg! This morning it was quite a bit darker in color and the bump was still there- that's going to be LOVELY- but kids will be kids! My heart broke for her but hopefully this NEVER EVER happens again. A little piece of me wants to wrap her up in bubble wrap before she gets any more adventurous but I know I can't. This is probably the first of many. I had my poor parents at the ER so much that the doctors there probably knew us by name! Let's hope this isn't a sign that she has my clutzy genes.
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